Lacuna INC. Reset your mind

Lacuna INC, founded in 2004, brings you the revolutionary, painless, non-surgical memory erasing process.
Lacuna Inc. is the brainchild of Dr. Howard Mierzwiak who after years of dedicated research has developed a cutting-edge, non-surgical procedure for the focused erasure of troubling memories. Lacuna Inc. was founded to provide a state of the art research facility for the development of this procedure. Over the years as the project has progressed from a mere idea into a full-blown medical service, Lacuna Inc. has grown right along with it. Now a full service clinic with a highly trained staff, Lacuna is just starting to tap into its potential.
With hundreds of satisfied customers already, Lacuna Inc. is developing a strong reputation in the medical community. The procedure is offered to men and women of all ages, and it is perfectly safe. This is only the beginning for Lacuna Inc. Imagine the possibilities! And don't forget, with Lacuna, you can forget!